Available as of November 25, 2020, non-profit groups looking to create, improve, and enhance their youth (under 18)
virtual volunteering programming are invited to access a new playbook.
The playbook was informed by more than 30 youth and 20 non-profit leaders, created in a partnership between Pledges for Change and Volunteer Toronto. The playbook includes infographics, case studies, and six tools to help non-profits engage youth meaningfully in a virtual environment.
Tools include:
Prioritization Matrix: Prioritize which volunteer opportunities to transition or create online for youth
Pressure Test: Test your virtual volunteer role descriptions against key considerations
Marketing Toolkit: Leverage different marketing approaches to recruit youth virtual volunteers for your program
Check-In Template: Map regular check-ins and social events with your volunteers, including what you should cover
Feedback Survey: Access simple survey tips to evaluate the two-way relationship between your organization and youth volunteers
Safety One-Page Resource: Read our one-page resource to ensure your youth virtual roles consider the safety and privacy of all participants
CRA# 119287092RR0001